Currently I am attracting nutritionists to me. No seriously, it’s weird! Like the Universe is watching over me – or just watching what goes in my mouth!
I’ve known Amanda for many years now and even long before she qualified as a nutritionist, there was this incident in the local bakery. You know there are some days when it’s just a case of needs must? Well that day was one of those days! I just needed time out from being good with my food so, on a break from work one day, I nipped into the bakery for a cheeky sausage roll. Minding my own business in the queue, I hear this voice behind me say “It’s not gluten free” …. yup, Amanda had spotted me from across the street and made a beeline for my conscience! I hasten to add I told her to bugger off and leave me to my sausage roll to which she laughed out loud and left me to it.
Skip to many years later and I am now her client, there is no escape! But I couldn’t be more grateful to have the help and support I so need to get my health back on track and things are most definitely moving in the right direction.
In return, I get to photograph her and her beautiful food, which was no hardship at all!
This was lunch in the making – salmon skewers, stir fried brown rice & veg and homemade pickled beetroot.
I can confirm the end result was healthy but also colourful, appetising and delicious!
Amanda is a good friend, which is why I can recommend her so highly. She knows her subject inside out, leaves no stone unturned yet is realistic and supportive at the same time. I’m learning that nutrition and health is a journey but one most definitely worth embarking on.